Our commitment to your success doesn’t stop once products leave the factory floor.
Education of our customers is a key focus area of our company, and to that end we maintain a qualified field services team staffed with ASE Certified professionals dedicated to helping maximize business success through a range of comprehensive education options. An integral part of our Marketing Team, they provide both field training as well as curriculum expertise for training content developed in our in-house video education efforts.
Countermen, commercial sales teams, and aftermarket professionals face the complex challenge of providing knowledgeable product advice during the sales process across a huge range of complex product categories. By learning best-practices from MPA’s field services team, improvements in customer service levels build true brand loyalty— resulting in steady revenues from satisfied, repeat customers.
MPA’s dedicated field services team provide:
• Sales Outreach Ride Alongs
• Classroom-Style Sales and Technical Training
• On-Location Learning Seminars
• Webinars
• Online Training Curriculum
• Warranty Reduction
Keeping your team ahead of the competition and educating our customers is the ultimate objective of the MPA field services group.